Planning for

Retirement takes many forms, and can happen all at once or can be phased in over a number of years. Whilst a very important part of a client’s retirement provision, traditional pensions now form only one part of an individual’s retirement plan.

Investments can go down as well as up, you may not get back the original capital invested. Pension legislation can and may change in the future. Always take advice before taking action with your pensions as the action you take may result in lost benefits and be irrevocable.

While you are working

Our Cash Flow Analysis system will identify if you are on track to achieve the level of income you require at retirement or whether you need to increase the level of funding in order to ensure you are able to live comfortably when you retire. The plan will review all existing pension products you hold including private or company based schemes.

A consolidated investment strategy is vital and our plan will review the current pension portfolio and how it is being managed. Again working with our preferred investment partners, we will design an appropriate personalised pension investment portfolio linked to your agreed attitude towards risk.

The point you cease working completely or in part, and make your decisions for the future

There are huge choices available to the individual in addition to State Pension provision in the UK following the new pension freedom legislation that was introduced on the 6 April 2015. We will outline all pension options available to you and ensure that they are the most suitable to fit your retirement needs. There are a number of different ways in which to take your retirement benefits and these are:

• Annuities
• Enhanced Annuities
• Flexi-Access Drawdown
• Phased Flexi-Access Drawdown
• Cash Withdrawal

We will assess your individual situation and agree a suitable strategy going forward, which will be reviewed annually using Cash Flow analysis and the Risk Profile analysis. Income Tax and Inheritance Tax considerations will always be considered when constructing any retirement provision and investment strategy.

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